

424-429-6634 (424-4BYOODI)


A step-by-step guide to effectively using our professional-grade conditioner after shampooing:

Select one of our high-quality professional-grade conditioner

We recommend using our specialized conditioner, formulated to suit your unique hair type and needs. Avoid drugstore or supermarket alternatives that may contain inferior ingredients, leading to undesirable buildup on your hair and scalp.

Tailor the conditioning frequency

Depending on your hair type, you can either condition every time you shampoo or more frequently between shampoos. Follow our general guidelines to ensure optimal results.

Begin with clean hair

Thoroughly cleanse your hair with shampoo and rinse to ensure there’s no residual product or shampoo left before applying our conditioner.

Gently remove excess water

Pat your hair dry with a towel or gently squeeze out excess water to allow our conditioner to penetrate and moisturize your strands effectively.

Apply our conditioner strategically

Start by dispensing a small amount of our conditioner onto your palms. Work the product through the ends of your hair, gradually moving towards the middle. Adjust the amount as needed to achieve comprehensive coverage.

Detangle with care

We recommend using a wide-tooth comb or our recommended wet brush to detangle your hair, starting from the bottom and working your way up. This method ensures an even and gentle distribution of our conditioner.

Allow time for deep conditioning

Allow our conditioner to work its magic by leaving it in your hair for a few minutes. This allows the nourishing ingredients to repair and rejuvenate your strands effectively.

Rinse thoroughly for best results

After the recommended duration, rinse your hair thoroughly to avoid any residue that could leave your hair looking greasy.

Quick tip for optimal results

Always begin applying our conditioner at the ends of your hair, working your way up. Avoid applying the conditioner directly to the roots, particularly if you have fine hair, to prevent weighing it down.

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